Be a leader and not a follower “Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” J.F Kennedy. Leaders are not those, who occupy the chair of CEO in a big organization, leaders are not those who control thousands of workers under him, because the chairs are temporary, the power is temporary, their position is temporary; someday, their chair, power and position will be occupied by another person. I am not disrespecting them, but, in my point of view, leaders are those who can win themselves, who can win the limitations set by the society. From the time we came in our Mother earth; we see the world moving at its own pace. The whole world created by nature has its own natural society; but in that natural society, there is also another society created by the humans. The human society created by us is a web; like that of a spider create its web to catch prey. Most of us fall in the web of the artificially created society by the humans. It binds us in such a way tha...
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